Built on a smaller rear section, this development allowed Homes for People to explore the concept of a standard infill subdivision. The initial property size was just 630m2. Two one-bedroom units were built behind the existing home and the property subdivided. The new homes are built as a ‘duplex’, both under one roof with a fire wall between each home. 

These tidy and well-built brick homes, have allowed two younger single women to get onto the property ladder.

Project Completed: June 2020

About Us

Homes for People is a charitable trust, established in July 2016, in response to the growing housing need in provincial New Zealand.

We work together with social impact investors to build and deliver new affordable housing to lower income people and households in our community.

Homes for People homes are designed using principles of urban design with low-maintenance, cost-effective living being the desired outcome.

Contact Us

+64 (0)6 352 0098
