Homes for People’s first project, this six-unit development consists of two building forms with a total of 6 units.  Visually, it looks like two large homes but one building has two two-bedroom homes and the other four one-bedroom homes.  Bare land was purchased from Housing NZ (Now Kainga Ora) as a pilot project. The New Zealand Defence Force assisted with the build and suppliers came on board to support the need for affordable housing in our community.   This pilot project was a real success and the genesis of more Homes for People homes!

Our first brave homeowner is a woman whose career as a preschool teacher was ended by a back injury. She subsequently struggled to maintain her family sized weatherboard home and section and, being no longer in the work Force, could not afford a more expensive property. Homes for People’s one-bedroom home was suitable for her needs and she says that living closer to her neighbours provides her with a sense of safety and security.

Project completed: June 2018

About Us

Homes for People is a charitable trust, established in July 2016, in response to the growing housing need in provincial New Zealand.

We work together with social impact investors to build and deliver new affordable housing to lower income people and households in our community.

Homes for People homes are designed using principles of urban design with low-maintenance, cost-effective living being the desired outcome.

Contact Us

+64 (0)6 352 0098
