Limbrick / Leicester St, Parkland
Homes for People’s first project, this six-unit development consists of two building forms with a total of 6 units. Visually, it looks like two large homes but one building has two two-bedroom homes and the other four one-bedroom homes. Bare land was purchased from Housing NZ (Now Kainga Ora) as a pilot project. The New Zealand Defence Force assisted with the build and suppliers came on board to support the need for affordable housing in our community. This pilot project was a real success and the genesis of more Homes for People homes!
Our first brave homeowner is a woman whose career as a preschool teacher was ended by a back injury. She subsequently struggled to maintain her family sized weatherboard home and section and, being no longer in the work Force, could not afford a more expensive property. Homes for People’s one-bedroom home was suitable for her needs and she says that living closer to her neighbours provides her with a sense of safety and security.
Project completed: June 2018